Currently been making the main page of my website starting with simple title and expanding it to finally adding a bio
Month: February 2017
What I learned this week and what my challenges were (2-23-17)
What I learned this week:
- how to use android studio (sort -of-ish)
- how to to code a little bit
My challenges:
- how to use android studio
- trying to find the “perfect” layout for my app
I relearned the fundamentals of Blender and some more.
Things like how to add materials and textures. Learned that the “Cycles Render” is better than “Blender Render”. I also learned how to add materials and textures.
I made a sword and a small house with clear windows. Recently I made an experimental environment where I tested how different materials and lights interact with each other.
This week’s accomplishments and challenges
This week we started to work on our game, at first we hit a difficulty with when the collision wasn’t working initially but i fixed it today. Now im going to try and make the player move automatically without any input.
Status Update 2/23/17
I have been working on a set of pages relating to the database project, and there has been much progress since the beginning of the week. This feeling however, that the work will continue to remain at this easy pace, has subsided. I expect things to get far more difficult once the PHP aspect is introduced to the HTML pages that we have created. wish us luck
Challenges + What I learned
Things Learned
- Kali Linux is Debian based. (Needed to know for installing things)
- Kali Linux uses .run instead of .exe which is why you need to download things specifically for Linux
- Opening .run files
- Getting DVWA installed
I made a crud page and I’m currently creating webpages for what the website will look like in the future, i am having trouble with the php and planning aspect of this tho.
What I’m Learning is how to make OK comics and slowly improving them to make them better.
Big Troubles
- took too long to finish comic
- i kept slacking off
Multiplayer trap game was good, Room escape games are good, The murder king is not what I’m looking for, the huntsclan traps is a overhead shooter not what I’m looking for, Lugis mansion is a great example of what I’m trying to do.
Clean Energy
There weren’t very many things that I was able to find that related my project out there on the web; which is promising, but also a bit of a letdown. However, I was able to find one article on the Forbes website about a game called “Path to Luma”. This game is about a robot that travels to abandoned planets in search for life giving forces, and hidden clean energy sources.
info sources below: