How to center text in html/css

Using center tags

If you want to center text the most basic way is to use the


and it would go something like this

<center>Center this text</center>

Center this text

But this way is not used anymore it still works but yo should avoid using it

Using a style

The best way to center a little bit of text is doing

<p style="text-align:center;">Center this text</p>

Also Notice how the value of the property “text-align” was set to “center” which indicates that the element is to be centered.

so the text in that will be centered

If you have many sets of text you would like to center, you can use CSS inside <style></style> tags within the head section on the page to declare that every element be centered.

p { text-align:center; }

The text will be centered within every set of <p></p> tags on the page.

How to Github to host a website [FREE]

Perhaps you need to have a site for some reason, maybe it’s a download page, maybe it’s an information page, or maybe it’s just a site in general, anyways, what you made your site for is not important. What is important is that you will need to get it hosted somewhere, luckily I’ve got your back on this one. All we need to do is make a GitHub Page, and fortunately for you, this guide will show you how, and it’s free just in-case you were wondering.

Things that you may need: GitHub Desktop (So we can actually do this), A website, and a bit of common sense, also a web browser.

Go here, then do as the pictures below do.


Now, we must open up GitHub desktop, and, then after logging in, we’re going to want to open the Git Shell, a picture below will show you what to do to open it.

After you get the shell open, you wan to type the below in, also, make sure that after each line ends, you press enter, because this is not all just one line.

echo "# *yourrepository*" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin*yourgithubusername*/*your repositoryname*.git
git push -u origin master

We then need to do is move the site, and all of its files into the place where the Blue arrow points into, and then make sure that we choose “Make a new branch” and in the new branch name it ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO SAYgh-pages” if you don’t do this then you won’t get a working site.

Then you can find your site at *your github user name**your github repository*

AND there we go! Now we have free hosting for our website which is great.

How to add data to a database, via SQL

Do you have a database and need some information integrated into it (steps 6+), or do you just want a database all to yourself (steps All)?

  1. download PHPMyadmin
  2. Open PHPMyadmin.                             
  3. open the SQL command prompt on the page.
  4. Create a database
    CREATE DATABASE databasename;
  5. Open the command panel for your database
  6. Enter:
    CREATE TABLE table_name(
    column1 INT,
    column2 TEXT,
    column3 VARCHAR(255),
    columnN DATE,
    PRIMARY KEY( one or more columns )
  7. You have entered a table where you can add data to a database
  8. Now enter:
    INSERT INTO table_name( column1, column2....columnN)
    VALUES ( value1, value2....valueN);
  9. Congratulations, you have entered data directly into a database

How To Get Free Hosting w/ WordPress -Nguyen

Step 1) Type “” Into The Browser [those are zeros, not the letter – o”

Step 2) Follow The Sign Up Tutorial

Step 3) Verify Email Address

Step 4) Installing WordPress

Step 5) Login to WordPress with your username and password for WordPress

And Now You Have WordPress To Use