Lung Cancer

I’ve found a few examples of diagnosing lung cancer using reliable websites. Unfortunately, there are not many methods to diagnose lung cancer at this point. The only real ways to diagnose lung cancer is through an appointment, seeing certain symptoms, or low dose CT scans. Due to the fact that the diagnoses is so limited for such a deadly cancer there isn’t really a “lame” way to diagnose it. I think I will try and use the biometric tool to diagnose certain things such as

  • A cough that doesn’t go away
  • Coughing up blood
  • Constant chest pain
  • Repeated pneumonia or bronchitis
  • Weight loss and loss of appetite
  • Hoarseness
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Feeling very tired all the time
  • Chest pain with coughing, laughing, or breathing deeply

In order to diagnose lung cancer, I would use the wheezing and coughing part and while temperature isn’t related I think that would be a cool thing to have. Also, I’d like to somehow incorporate the Apple bedtime feature into it to record sleep time and see if it may be related to lung cancer.

How to use Maia

How to use Maia.

My first week of Maia was trying to figure out how to rotate the screen. If you hold alt the left click is to rotate, the middle scroll if you press it let your going left, right, up, or down, and right click zooms you in or out.

Placing objects is easy, they spawn in the middle and you can scale them on the x,y, and z planes. The tool bar on the left lets you rotate the object or move it.

To make multiple shapes one piece at the top will be a tab called mesh. Click mesh then click combine.

Rigging and animations are stupid so to make it easier look up Mixamo because it does the work for you.

I have not started sculpting or much of anything else yet.

The Good and Bad of Games

Good: Good story line, made with the intention of helping the community or providing entertainment instead of purely for profit. The game should be fun to play and not to expensive. Also the game should be able to be enjoyed fully without having to purchase extra DLC. Ex: Crossy road.

Lame: Negative story line, poorly made to possibly scam people, not polished, holes in the story line.

Communication Is Key

Communication is a good way to talk to people like if you’re trying to go somewhere you tell that person where your going and what time you are going to be back home but there are some bad ways to communicate with someone like not telling them where your going or not saying anything at all like a good way to communicate over email or text because if the person says that you didn’t tell them where your going you can show them the text or the email that you’ve sent them so there wont be any consequences for what happened

Stress Relieving Music : Good and Bad Examples


  1. Catches the listeners attention
  2. It does our objective well
  3. The music has no cost


  1. Is distracting and/or stressful
  2. Too generic and doesn’t help
  3. Not easily available

Branden, Dominic, Brentan