How to create Windows 10 ISO for USB flash drive

Hi there, today I’m going to give you a quick tutorial on how to install a windows 10 iso onto a flash drive. If you are constantly disappointed in Windows 10 not being able to run for two months without becoming glitchy, blue screening, and tired of it attempting to fix itself without any success, or you’re just running an old version of windows…Simply just buy an 8GB flash drive and follow my directions below (Note: Upgrading to Windows 10 is no longer available for free):

  1. Receive/buy a flash drive and remove anything you need (it will delete everything on it).
  2. Go to: . Click download tool now.
  3. Now press the Windows key and R (Winkey + R).
  4. You should see a small window show in the bottom left, type “CMD” (no quotes) and press enter.
  5. Another window shows, this time type: “control /name Microsoft.System” and press enter.
  6. Good job, you now have two things you need to know, your current windows version and whether your CPU is 32 or 64 bit.
  7. Your current Windows version doesn’t matter, but more the edition of that version. For example home, enterprise, pro, educational, or server. If you have already activated windows 10, otherwise home edition is the best option. (See picture below if help is needed).
  8. Record your CPU architecture type, if you’re going to use this ISO on multiple computers then skip this step. Otherwise,  it will be either 32 or 64 bit. (See picture below for help finding this number).
  9. Now open your file explorer by typing: “file explorer” into the search box after clicking the lower left windows button (also typing explorer.exe in cmd works (for win 10 only)).
  10. Navigate to your downloads folder and run MediaCreationTool.exe. If prompted for the allowance to make changes your PC click yes. 
  11. Select  USB flash drive to install and click the drive you wish, everything will be DELETED off the drive.
  12. Enter both your architecture type (the 32/64 number) and your edition of windows (use chart below to convert your current operating system).
  13. Let the installation creation media tool finish downloading (you can still use your PC at the same time).
  14. You’re done 🙂
  15. Simply reboot your computer, then hit either spam F1 or the delete button when it turns back on, navigate until you find boot priority and make your USB drive the number one priority.
  16. Click exit button, save and reboot and then follow the directions on the screen to install windows 10.

How-to for beginners: LMMS

You want to create music for free, but not have it be poor quality?                Use LMMS. It’s a great place to start.

  1. So, you’ll want to start off with sampling other songs to give you a general idea of what you’d like to create. It’s a good thing to do, because it boosts your creativity with ease.

  1. Next, go ahead and play around. See what you like, don’t like, and etc. Don’t underestimate the left side menu! Inside there, you should find a program called ZynSubAddFX. That’s where you can really start to experiment. Personally, it’s my favorite system to use for creating various sounds.

  1. Once you’ve played around for a bit, pick an instrument and create a bassline; the main beat. This can be done through whatever instrument you want, but I prefer Kicker and Zyn. Make sure to time your beats, or they’ll eventually go off the intended rhythm.

—Double-click. \/

  1. Stay on key, use chords, and off-beats to your advantage.

  1. Don’t just randomly throw stuff on. Try to make it coordinated and fleshed out. It may take longer, but it’ll sound better.

  1. Try adjusting stuff like tempo, automation, pitch, and etc.

  1. Once you’re satisfied with what you’ve got, go to project>export>(file destination)

  1. Locate and find your mp3/wav file.

  1. Upload to your choice platform.

how to make a app on

how to article (finished)

how to create a app on

  1. first you are going to figure out a general idea about what you want the home page to look like.
  2. next you are going to draw a sketch of your vision for the home page.
  3.  Then you are going to have to go to and create a account. And scroll down tell you see “App Lab”. click on it and select create app.
  4. when you get there you are going to have to start creating your home page. click on design and start playing with the different design aspects.
  5. you can also start to just create your app from this website as well. if you go to the “code” tab the you will get a bunch of different codes.
  6. your project will save automatically so you wont have to worry about forgetting to save. and good luck on your new app.

How to fix errors in Android Studio:

  1. Colors.xml
    <item name="colorPrimary" type="color">#0b811b</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark" type="color">#bfda0a</item>
    <item name="colorAccent" type="color">#000000</item>

You want to use this format when you are customizing your color palette. On the first line where it says #0b811b, this is a color in hexadecimal which you can find easily online. You can use whatever hexadecimal color you want, these are just examples. Either you can use hexadecimal colors or you can use the colors in Android Studio. To access the Android Studio colors, you click on one of your activities and click on the ‘Design’ tab at the bottom. Once you are here, if you click on an item you got from the palette, then you will a list on the right of the screen. If you look all the way down at the bottom of the list, there should be a box for ‘textcolor’. You want to click on the three buttons the right of it and there is where you can select colors.

2. Coding buttons

First, you want to go on “Design” for the page you want to have a button on, and then you can adjust anything you want to for the size,background color, etc. Next, you want to go to the “Java file” for the page/activity your button is on.


import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    /* Create java variables */
    public Button mBtLaunchActivity;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        /* Initialize java Button objects to point to UI elements */
        mBtLaunchActivity = (Button) findViewById(;

        /* Tell each button what you want it to do when you press it */
        mBtLaunchActivity.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() 
            public void onClick(View view) {


    /* Define actual switching methods */
    private void launchActivity() {

        Intent intent = new Intent(this, Main2activity.class);

Anything in Italic is what I used in my code but you may have something else. For example, the activity that my button is on is called “Main Activity” but you might have named it something else. “Main Activity 2 or Main2Activity” is the page/activity I want the button to go to when someone clicks the button. Anything between the /**/ are just comments explaining what the different things mean/do. Also, but1 is just the name of my button so you don’t have to use that name for the your button. Then you want to go your AndroidManifest.xml file to put some stuff in there.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

        <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action."/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
        <activity android:name=".Main2activity"></activity>

The MainActivity is the page the button is on and Main2Activity is the page I want my button to go to once it is clicked. Also, the xml version and the encoding on the first line might be different for yours.

If you want to have two buttons on the same page, make sure you double everything in the java file except for the imports, public class, package, and the @Override showed below.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Make sure that in the manifest file you only put the other name for the other activity that your second button is going to. Put the second activity name right under the first one so it should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

        <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action."/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
        <activity android:name=".Main2activity"></activity>
        <activity android:name=".Sign_up"></activity>


Main2activty is where my first button is going and Sign_up is where my second button is going to when it’s clicked. Also, MainActivity is the activity that both my buttons are on. The two activities should be together in the “application” tags.

3. Making a SwipeView

I am currently struggling with this but here are some websites. If you figure out how to do it, please comment down below. Enjoy.

Creating a Beacon App for Android in Less Than 10 Minutes from Scratch





How to center text in html/css

Using center tags

If you want to center text the most basic way is to use the


and it would go something like this

<center>Center this text</center>

Center this text

But this way is not used anymore it still works but yo should avoid using it

Using a style

The best way to center a little bit of text is doing

<p style="text-align:center;">Center this text</p>

Also Notice how the value of the property “text-align” was set to “center” which indicates that the element is to be centered.

so the text in that will be centered

If you have many sets of text you would like to center, you can use CSS inside <style></style> tags within the head section on the page to declare that every element be centered.

p { text-align:center; }

The text will be centered within every set of <p></p> tags on the page.

Sieger’s tutorial on importing images to unity!!

Hi, my name is Sieger Canney and this is my tutorial on how to import images to unity. I will be using paint images I made but this will also be able to work with google images. We are starting this off assuming that you have already started and made a new project in Unity.

  • Step 1: Find your image. For my project I have been making custom photos from paint and Photoshop but you can use images you find online also.

  • Step 2: Save your image to a place that you know you can find. This is rather simple just make sure you save your image to a safe place that you can find.

  • Step 3: Find you project file. For the next steps you will need to know where you saved your unity project. So make sure you know where it is.
  • Step 4: Open your project and find the asset file. Your asset file is basically a gateway between your PC files and the unity program. Its the easiest way to get assets and materials into your game.
  • Step 4.5(optional): Make a new folder in the asset file. Folders are used for organizing your asset file. They are optional but they really do help with keeping track of your game assets.

  • Step 5: Move your image over. This can be done in many ways. You can copy and paste or just drag it over to the file. Do it whatever way you prefer.

  • Step 6: Your done! You did it your images are in your project. To see them just open your game and click on assets in the bottom right. If you made a folder under the asset folder and put your images in there the images will be in that folder. To get them in the actual game just drag and drop the image to the scene above(the one with the grid by default). Enjoy!


How to Create a Informational Website

Today you will learn the basics of making a interesting website in just three steps.

Step 1: Create a outline for the website and gather some info and put it into a word document for safe keeping.

Step 2: Use the outline to work from and make positive changes to your final draft.

Step 3: Make surveys and ask people to revise your website. Post to a site where you will get the attention you need to make your website pop.

how to make a video addressing a certain issue

  1. Gather your facts for the issue you are addressing for example since I will be talking about world hunger I will do a google search for world hunger facts or statistics.
  2. Next you should open a blank document and find some facts and copy them on to the document But BE AWARE THAT YOU CANT COPY IT EXACTLY UNLESS YOU GIVE CREDIT TO THE SOURCE BY CITING IT easy bib is a free and easy way to do this.
  3. Then you go to and download it so you can record what is on the screen.
  4. Now open up a powerpoint so you can put the facts in it.

How To Add a Object in Unity 2D

Starting out in Unity is probably one of the most difficult parts of learning. After you make the base of your game creating objects is much easier, but requires a little work. I’ll show you how to create a little box to stand on, and interact with.

Step 1

First to start just hit the Game Object Button. A drop down menu will appear then hit Create Empty.

Step 2

Once created click on the object and view it in inspector. Then hit the big button called Add Component. You can add different components using the search bar or looking in the different categories. Add Sprite Renderer, and Box Collider 2D.

Step 3

Now you can either add a single picture of the block, or you can use a sheet of lots of sprites and add it to the object that way. The easier way to go if you only need 1 or 2 sprites is the first method, but if you are going to have about more than 4 sprites you should probably use a sprite sheet. I’m going to use a sprite sheet in this tutorial. First after you put your image in Unity select it then hit the Inspector button.

In that menu you’ll find another button that says Sprite Editor. Click on it. You’ll see a bigger version of the picture. Click and drag over the sprite you want to use, and then you can rename
it if you want.

Step 4

By the way if you want you can name your object to ground or something. Anyways once select your sprite from the sprite sheet.

Then drag this to your objects Sprite Renderer. That was a lot of work to add a little sprite.

Step 5

Finally! It is done! Now you can jump all over your white little block. Have fun!


How to Export Music from LMMS Portable and Upload it to SoundCloud

  1. Click the 6th Icon on Top Row of the UI

This icon will be marked with a music note on a sheet of paper.

2. Choose Where You Want to Save the Song

Select a location, such as a USB, where you can easily find your song.

3. Edit your Settings if Nessesary

Make sure the file format is WAV.

4. Go to SoundCloud and Click Upload

If you do not have a SoundCloud account, all you need to do is click “Create Account” on the top of the screen.

5. Click “Choose File to Upload” and Fill out the Information

In a few seconds, your song will be uploaded to the website.